For my inquiry I will be focusing on meditation and its benefits for mental health. For a lot of my life I have struggled with my mental health and especially during these crazy times I am constantly feeling overwhelmed. I hope to be able to be more relax and in tune with my feelings after meditation. Meditation is a practice of mind and body control that has been used for centuries among different cultures. I have participated in many yoga classes that include these practices throughout the lesson and I found it very relaxing so I would like to learn how to bring them into my everyday life. Especially when working with kids, you need to be able to find time for yourself to check in. I hope meditation will do that for me.

My main inquiry question is how does meditation affect my mental health and overall stress levels. I also would like to find out what different ways you can integrate mediation into your everyday life. The most accessible guides for me are the online resources such as, Calm and Mindful. I will spend a week on each and see which a prefer. I will also be researching the origins of different methods using UVic’s library resources.

I think this inquiry will be helpful not only for myself and my mental health but also I will aim to find simple practices that I can introduce into classrooms. Children also struggle with stress, being overwhelmed and poor mental health so being able to provide simple relaxation and centring exercises would create a safe and welcoming environment for my classroom.