This week was filled with final presentations and projects as the semester comes to an end. I found myself forgetting to mediate a couple time and not being able to stick to my weekly schedule. But this week was definitely one of reflection. Over the course of this inquiry I have discovered many things about myself , as well as, meditation. The first thing i found out is just how simple meditation is. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. It really is about finding 10 minutes in your day to set aside for yourself. We do that in the morning when we wake up, when we sit on the couch, or take a coffee break. You just have to stick to it and make it a habit. I also learned that introducing mindfulness and meditation for children is super beneficial. It gives them a strategy for calming down. It helps them self regulate and be more in touch with their emotions. This inquiry started as a way to help my own mental well-being during this year of online learning and isolation but I can see it carrying over into my future career as well. Overall, I have found meditation to be a helpful tool during studying and just in general.