This week I used the Calm app and meditated in the morning right when I woke up. I played a 3 minutes session called Calming Anxiety. It was simple and easy to do quickly if I had a class soon. This week was pretty stressful for me and I found that on the days that I meditated (Thursday, Friday, and Sunday) in the morning I felt more relaxed through out the day. I find that from the moment that I wake up my brain is going non-stop and being able to have a quiet moment before I start my day is super helpful. I found that I was nicer while coaching as well. Stress can be overwhelming and it affects my health in a lot of ways. I get sick more easily when I’m stressed, I am constantly tired, and I have little motivation. Stress also changes my mood. This week I tracked my mood everyday and on the days that I had meditated I was more calm and in a better mood. Next week I am going to use the Calm app again and try to meditated twice a week at night and three times in the morning. I want to see if I can help slow my brain down at night so that I can sleep easier.