This is my first blog post about my ukulele inquiry progress. I definitely forgot to start doing this earlier but I have been getting my bearings over the past weeks. I have gotten comfortable with all the chords but I have be focusing on mainly C, G7, F, And C7 because they are the chords I need for my first two songs. I have started getting familiar with strumming patterns and been playing around with what ones to use for my songs. I have found that strumming up is much harder than strumming down for me for some reason. In our ukulele breakout room one of my classmates was super helpful and recommended an app for tuning, as well as, a youtube channel with great instructional videos. I need to get better at tuning on my own because I’ve been getting my dad to help. I think I am progressing well for some one who had never played any string instrument before!
October 20, 2020
Music Inquiry- Ukulele Blog 1
emma lydon